What is Oral Mucositis?

What is Oral Mucositis?
  • May 1, 2017

Cancer patients who receive chemotherapy and radiation have many side effects to be concerned about, including oral mucositis. This painful condition can be debilitating for patients, limiting their ability to eat and increasing their risk of infection because of open sores in the mucosa.

According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, mucositis occurs when cancer treatments break down the rapidly divided epithelial cells lining the gastro-intestinal tract. This leaves the mucosal tissue—the tissue that lines all body passages that communicate with air—open to ulceration and infection.

Signs and symptoms of mucositis can progress within a few hours. They include a feeling of dryness, mild burning, or pain when eating food; red, shiny, or swollen mouth and gums; sores in the mouth or on the gums or tongue; blood in the mouth; and difficulty swallowing or talking.

Once diagnosed, oral mucositis should be treated as soon as possible. Effective treatment can prevent the condition from becoming severe. Relief also comes from lubricating and protecting the insides of your mouth, thereby restoring healthy oral conditions.

NeutraSal is a prescription rinse that can help protect tissues in the mouth when used along with standard oral care to treat oral mucositis. Patients simply use the single packets of dissolving powder, mixing them in water to create a soothing oral rinse. NeutraSal can be used 4 to 10 times per day, as directed by your doctor. 


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