Survey: 70% of Sjögren’s Patients Agree that Disease Impacts Daily Routine

Survey: 70% of Sjögren’s Patients Agree that Disease Impacts Daily Routine
  • Apr 7, 2017

The results of a new Harris Poll survey, conducted on behalf of the Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation (SSF), were released just before the kickoff of Sjögren’s Awareness Month. The Living with Sjögren’s survey polled nearly 3,000 patients (96% women), 18 years or older, who shared their experiences and the physical and emotional effects of living with the disease.


Here are some of the key findings:


  • At least half of the patients experience the 3 most commonly reported symptoms of Sjögren’s:

-Dry eyes (54%)
-Fatigue (54%)
-Dry Mouth (50%)

  •  71% of respondents agreed that Sjögren’s gets in the way of things they need to accomplish each day
  • 49% said Sjögren’s has a great deal or a lot of negative impact on participating in hobbies, social activities, and extracurricular activities
  • 74% said living with Sjögren’s adds an emotional burden to their life 


On average, it can take patients 3 years to receive the correct diagnoses, according to SSF. And estimated 2.5 million patients are currently undiagnosed.


While rheumatologists have the primary responsibility for managing the disease, patients are often treated by dentists depending on their complications, including dry mouth.

Click here to learn more about NeutraSal, a prescription rinse that dentists can prescribe to help Sjögren’s patients.


For more stats from The Living with Sjögren’s survey, click here

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