Good News about Reducing Radiation Side Effects…Except for Dry Mouth

Good News about Reducing Radiation Side Effects…Except for Dry Mouth
  • Sep 29, 2017

A 50% reduction in the intensity and dose of radiation therapy for patients with HPV-related throat cancer reduced side effects with no loss in survival and no decrease in cure rates, according to research by the Mayo Clinic. It's fantastic news overall, but unfortunately dry mouth remains a persistent side effect.


The goal of the trial was to see if an aggressive reduction of radiation therapy could maintain excellent cure rates, while significantly reducing post-treatment side effects. Two years following the aggressively de-escalated treatment, only three of the 80 patients in the trial experienced a local cancer recurrence. The researchers found that patient quality of life largely improved or did not change following treatment, “except for dry mouth,” according to the release.


The results of this study were presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology in San Diego. It’s hopeful news for throat cancer patients, but there’s no way around dry mouth, one of the most uncomfortable symptoms.


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