Don't Just Soothe Dry Mouth: Treat It

Don't Just Soothe Dry Mouth: Treat It
  • Aug 8, 2016

Dry mouth happens for a variety of reasons. From prescription medications and malfunctions in the glands, to psychological and emotional factors and radiation/chemotherapy, millions of Americans are suffering.


Dry mouth can be mild, moderate, or severe and can cause minor or major discomfort. Commonly experienced symptoms associated with dry mouth include increased plaque and tooth decay, painful tongue and taste disorders, and difficulty speaking, eating or swallowing, and more.

If not treated, dry mouth can lead to serious health problems that can affect nutritional, oral and even psychological health. If dry mouth symptoms become severe, they can have an impact on an individual's overall health.


The condition must be treated.


More Than Just Soothing Symptoms

In order to adequately treat dry mouth, you must go beyond temporarily soothing symptoms. Real relief comes form restoring healthy oral conditions and protecting the tissues within your mouth. 


That’s what a product like NeutraSal by Orapharma offers to dry mouth sufferers. It is proven to help restore oral health by relieving symptoms, improving your ability to swallow, drink, eat, taste and talk. It also helps strengthen teeth by restoring calcium phosphate.


To learn more about NeutraSal, check out these Frequently Asked Questions

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