Are Dentists Ready to Treat an Aging Population?

Are Dentists Ready to Treat an Aging Population?
  • Jun 30, 2017

According to the 2015 report from the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of people aged 65 and older will reach approximately 236 million by 2025. The older population is projected to nearly double to 1.6 billion globally in the next 25 years, whereas the total population will grow by just 34% over the same period.


As reported by Forbes, the American Dental Association says that the aging demographic will be an increasingly large part of dental practices in the coming years. In light of the fact that more than 400 commonly used medications can cause xerostomia, which increases the risk for oral disease, treatment of this condition may also become a larger part of dental practices. Treating the aging population for dry mouth—and knowing which products can help—should be top-of-mind for dentists who plan to practice in the coming years.


But as dentists are well aware, xerostomia is just one of the conditions related to oral health that the aging population faces. Read the full story by clicking here







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