7 Reasons You Should Use NeutraSal For Managing Dry Mouth

7 Reasons You Should Use NeutraSal For Managing Dry Mouth
  • Nov 21, 2016

If sugar-free gum isn't soothing your dry mouth, a prescription-strength solution may be needed. Here are 7 reasons why you should use NeutraSal: 

  1. It’s easy to use. Just dissolve a single-use packet of NeutraSal powder in an ounce of water, swish with half the solution for a minute, and repeat with the rest.
  2. Doses are flexible, depending on what you need. NeutraSal can be used 2 to 10 times per day.
  3. There are no known interactions between NeutraSal and other medications or products.
  4. Its active ingredients create an electrolyte saliva-like solution.
  5. NeutraSal does not go through your system or affect any other parts of the body.
  6. NeutraSal strengthens teeth with calcium phosphate.
  7. It just works! NeutraSal effectively relieves dry mouth symptoms by preforming the vital functions of natural saliva. 

Read more about NeutraSal by clicking here

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